yoga services

find my current offerings

My passion is working with others to help them build their own practice or to deepen their existing practice. If you're looking for group classes or one-on-one sessions, I'm here for you. See below for my current offerings, or reach out to discuss what is possible.

in-studio classes

For me, yoga is all about connection. Being able to teach in person, being able to connect with the breath and energy of each of my students, means everything to me. I am so grateful to be able to share my practice in the Squamish community. In my classes, you can expect a calm environment to focus within, to challenge yourself, and to find that beautiful connection between breath, mind, body and spirit.

hot yoga flow kirstin siu yoga squamish

In this class we start off with gentle breathwork, mindfulness and warming movements, gradually moving into a powerful vinyasa-based flow. Emphasis is on the movement of energy or “qi” through the body as we move through a creative sequence of traditional and non-traditional postures. Sequencing, focus, and music change each week - I love to offer innovative and challenging flows to keep everyone coming back to their “beginner’s mind”. 

tuesday evening
breathe fitness studio

hot yoga flow

ashtanga vinyasa kirstin siu yoga squamish

Join me for a Sunday morning slow flow together in the forest in a beautiful outdoor geodome! This class will incorporate elements of Hatha and vinyasa style flow with elements of qigong, and different weekly themes throughout the spring and summer.

sunday mornings
kind yoga squamish

slow flow

“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it”
- Eckhart Tolle 

private sessions

I offer private yoga sessions with the intention of helping others to improve their overall well-being, mind, body, and spirit. I believe every individual's needs and practice are unique to them. I would love to work with you and help you on your path.

Are you looking to develop a personal practice, or would prefer to practice individually in your own home? I am happy to offer personalized one-on-one sessions which we can tailor to your unique needs. 


Do you have a group of friends or family who would like to practice together? I am happy to offer group private classes, where I can cater to your groups’ preferences and schedules. 

group private

Are you looking to integrate more wellness into your workplace? Contact me for more information on creating a tailored class or workshop, perfect for your team's needs!
