my practice

I believe in lifelong learning, and so my practice is always evolving. My core practice is grounded in the principles and practices of the ashtanga lineage, passed on to me by my teacher. Throughout my years of teaching, I have built on this practice and have begun to make it my own, including inspiration from dance, tai chi and qigong. I am trained in several modalities, allowing me to offer a variety of classes to suit different energy levels and needs.

ashtanga vinyasa

all levels welcome

Ashtanga Vinyasa is a dynamic style of yoga which follows a set sequence of postures and links every movement to a breath. In this class, we will focus on the ujjayi or victorious breath, drishti or focal point, and bandhas or energy locks. We will move through the essential postures of the primary series, creating a strong framework for your practice and allowing you build a strong connection between mind and body. This class is taught with accessible variations offered in addition to the traditional postures.

slow flow vinyasa

all levels welcome

Slow flow vinyasa is a vinyasa style flow class with special focus on core strength and lower back health. Ideal for those new to yoga or developing a practice, but suitably challenging for all levels, we will take our time to build energy and flexibility in the body. Flowing slowly and intentionally, with the breath.

hot power vinyasa

intermediate - advanced

Hot power vinyasa is practiced in a heated room and focuses on powerful and dynamic movements. Challenge your edge of strength and softness, ease and effort. This class may involve more advanced postures of the primary series as well as arm balances and inversions.

yin yoga

all levels welcome

Yin yoga brings focus and awareness to the connective tissues of the body. In Yin, we remain in each posture for 3-5 minutes, allowing the body to soften and open and allowing the mind to process and find quiet. This practice is great for improving flexibility, generating resilience, and developing mindfulness. A wonderful balance to an active or "yang" lifestyle.

hatha yoga

all levels welcome

Hatha yoga is a broad term incorporating many different styles. In my hatha classes, I offer gentle, natural movement and longer holds, allowing students to find their own rhythm and move with their own breath. Pranayama or breathwork, asana or postures, and meditation are woven together in this class to help gently strengthen and gain flexibility in mind and body.

“Practice and all is coming.”
-K. Pattabhi Jois